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来源:科技创业月刊 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-07-31




On the basis of the existing researches,this article uses the ecology theory method to establish the research perspective of entrepreneurial talent of science and talent of science and technology refers to the higher quality talents group who is under the integrated economic and environmental influence,owns the ability of science and technology into productive factor to realize the organic combination of technology and market,to risk and obtain the profit of innovation,so as to promote the comprehensive economic environment development talent,entrepreneurial personnel interaction and mutual influence within science and technology talent and technology entrepreneurial environment in certain areas will promote each other formed by dynamic balance system to constitute the entrepreneurial talent of science and technology ecological system of the paper initiatively presents the evaluation system model of the regional ecosystem for Entrepreneurial talent of science and technology,establishes the evaluation indicator system with 3 first-level indicators:main elements, service and supporting elements and environmental elements,10 second-level indicators and 39 third-level Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process(FAHP)is adopted to determine the weights of each indicator under uncertainty and vague condition,and based on the top 10 on DEA,the paper evaluates the technological efficiency,the pure technological efficiency,and the scale efficiency of 15 cities,and then corresponding measures and suggestions are put forward to optimize the regional ecosystem for Entrepreneurial Talent of Science and ,the paper puts forward the suggestion and the countermeasures and of ecological system that is how to optimize the regional science and technology talent.

Makinganalysis and evaluation with the method of AHP-DEA,the article thinks the factors of having great influence on that entrepreneurial talent of science and technology factor of production organization ability,market competition consciousness,pioneering spirit of entrepreneurship,in assessing the environment and entrepreneurial opportunity recognition ability and other factors on the area of entrepreneurial talent of science and technology ecological system has a remarkable the Service & support elements,the building of science and technology incubator,the proportion of R&D funds,perfection factor of investment risk guarantee system as well as the entrepreneurial environment in GDP of average per capita,entrepreneurial culture atmosphere and other factors on the area of entrepreneurial talent of science and technology ecological system have strong 15 cities of China,the development of entrepreneurial talent of science and technology of ecological system is in good condition:the average technical efficiency was 0.935,the overall returns to scale are incremental,so it has good potential this basis,the article puts forward these five strategies:the system design of regional innovation and entrepreneurship to improve regional entrepreneurial talent quality,increasing the scientific and technological research and development funding,cultivating innovative atmosphere and strengthening science and technology innovation financial support.

文章来源:《科技创业月刊》 网址: http://www.kjcyyk.cn/qikandaodu/2020/0731/387.html


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